Lunchtimes at school are an opportunity for all children to join together to eat their lunch and play in the playground. This allows children to make new friendships with children from other year groups; we also find that older children enjoy helping their younger school friends.
All children are encouraged to eat a balanced diet which we regularly promote through our curriculum. Children have the choice to either bring a packed lunch to school or take advantage of a healthy school meal. If you are providing a packed lunch for your child and struggling for ideas click here for some healthy lunchbox recipes. Please do not send nut products into school as we have number of children with a severe intolerance to nuts.
In January 2020 our school meal provision changed. Headlands joined all other NPAT schools in a central contract with a new catering partner, Dolce Limited. All of the menus continue to be fully compliant with the Government's School Food Plan and Dolce ensure that all pupils have a popular and healthy choice every day, with options to meet the needs of all age groups and those with notified special dietary requirements.
All meals can be ordered and paid for by using the online pre-ordering system via your SchoolGrid account. This shows you what is on offer across the whole term. If you haven't already registered for your SchoolGrid account please speak to the school office. Please be aware that the cost of a school meal is £2.55.
Please note that free meals are automatically available to all children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 under the Universal Infant School Meals Scheme. You can apply for free school meals for older children in full-time education up to the age of 18 if you are in receipt of certain benefits. Please visit the West Northamptonshire County Council website for more information.